Pomen integracije športnega duha v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces

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Koncept športnega duha je metoda, ki lahko pozitivno vpliva na celostni razvoj učencev in hkrati pozitivno vpliva na razredno klimo. Športnega duha ne gre enačiti z veliko bolj poznanim fair playem. V teoretičnem delu je razložen koncept športnega duha, ki je v Sloveniji še v razvoju, ter njegov pomen in vpliv na razredno klimo. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati študije primera, ki je bila izvedena na eni izmed podravskih osnovnih šol. V raziskavi so podane ugotovitve o vplivu vpeljave športnega duha na učence in na razredno klimo.


The Meaning of Integrating Sportsmanship in Educational Process

The concept of sportsmanship is a method that can have a positive effect on the comprehensive development of students and thus a positive outcome in the whole classroom climate. Sportsmanship, however, should not be confused with the better-known fair play. The theoretical part of the article explains the concept of sportsmanship, which, in Slovenia, is merely starting to develop, and its meaning and effect on the classroom climate. The empirical part presents the results of a case study, carried out at one of the primary schools in the Podravje region (ie., the Drava region). The study sets out findings on the effect the implementation of sportsmanship has on students and the classroom climate.