V prispevku je predstavljen pomen poučevanja prve pomoči že v 1. in 2. vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju v izogib slabemu znanju veščin prve pomoči, ko se razvijemo v odrasle in odgovorne osebe. Izpostavljeni so pozitivni učinki na razvoj socialnega čuta pri učencih, ki so obiskovali interesno dejavnost Prva pomoč za najmlajše. Prispevek navaja, kako lahko sistematično učimo učence veščin prve pomoči v okviru pouka in se hkrati držimo ciljev učnih načrtov. Predlagane so vsebine, primerne za učence do vključno 5. razreda in primer izvedbe dneva dejavnosti za navedeno starostno skupino. Namen prispevka je ozavestiti pomen znanja prve pomoči, da bomo uspeli povečati odstotek tistih, ki si pomagati upajo in znajo, ter odstotek tistih, ki prvo pomoč pravočasno dobijo.
Teaching First Aid in First Five Grades of Primary School
The article presents the importance of teaching first aid as early as in the first five grades of primary schools in order to avoid poor first aid skills in responsible adulthood. It describes positive effects on the development of social sense among students who participated in the activity named First aid the youngest students. The article mentions how one can systematically teach students first aid skills within regular lessons, while still meeting the syllabus objectives. It suggests contents suitable for the first five grades of primary schools and an example of an activity day for the same age group. The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of first aid skills in order to achieve an increase in the percentage of those individuals who dare and know how to give first aid, and the percentage of those who receive it on time.