V prispevku obravnavamo rezultate merjenja znanja matematike med četrtošolci v Sloveniji in po svetu, kakor ga sporoča raziskava TIMSS, na področju razumevanja in operiranja z ulomki in decimalnimi števili. V Sloveniji tudi po več popravkih učnih načrtov še vedno odstopamo od večine drugih držav po tem, da v četrtem razredu ne poučujemo določenih vsebin, ki so temeljne v učnih načrtih drugih držav. Analiza poročil učiteljev o realizaciji ciljev učnega načrta in rezultati doseganja trendov znanja kažejo na nižje znanje naših učencev in slabšo pripravljenost učiteljev za poučevanje teh vsebin. Rezultati opozarjajo na potrebo po aktivnem reševanju tega zaostanka na več ravneh: omogočiti učiteljem, da prepoznajo pomembnost tega znanja za učence ter z dodatnim izobraževanjem za učitelje razviti didaktiko poučevanja ulomkov in decimalnih števil na razredni ravni.
Teaching Fractions and Decimals in the First Five Grades within an International Perspective
This article presents the results of knowledge measurement in mathematics gathered in fourth grades across Slovenia and the world as reported by TIMSS, and focusing on the understanding of and operations with fractions and decimals. Even after several curricula corrections Slovenia still deviates from most other countries in the fact that certain contents, which are regarded as fundamental in other countries’ curricula, are not yet taught in our fourth grades. The analysis of teachers’ reports on the realization of curriculum goals, and the results of knowledge achievement demonstrate substandard knowledge of our students, and indicate that teachers are poorly prepared for the teaching of such contents. The results reveal the need to start actively improving our falling behind at multiple levels: teachers should be enabled to discover the importance of their students obtaining such knowledge, and also, additional training should be provided to teachers in order to develop the didactics of teaching fractions and decimals in the first five grades of primary schools.