Zakaj in čemu formativno spremljanje na razredni stopnji?
V prispevku je predstavljeno formativno spremljanje kot proces, namenjen pridobivanju informacij o učenju učencev – informacij, ki jih učitelj lahko uporabi pri nadaljnjem učenju in poučevanju vsakega učenca, s čimer zadovolji potrebe in interese posameznika; z načrtnim spremljanjem z namenom, da bo zagotovil boljše razumevanje in napredovanje učenja vsakega učenca. Namen prispevka je pomagati bralcem razumeti bistvo in dodano vrednost poučevanja po načelih formativnega spremljanja oz. potencial formativnega spremljanja. V začetku bo predstavljeno formativno spremljanje kot celostni pristop k učenju in poučevanju, v nadaljevanju pa so posamezne strategije in elementi predstavljani skozi teoretične in praktične primere s ponazorili. V šolskem letu 2015/2016 in 2016/2017 je bila glavna tema študijskih srečanj Zavoda RS za šolstvo formativno spremljanje. Seveda to ne pomeni, da se učitelji s formativnim spremljanjem niso srečali tudi prej, saj je le-to v slovenskem šolskem prostoru prisotno že dobro desetletje in ga nekateri učitelji uspešno vpeljujejo v svojo poučevalno prakso. Vsebinsko so bila ta srečanja usmerjena v senzibilizacijo učiteljev za to področje, v spoznavanje elementov in strategij formativnega spremljanja ter v predstavitve primerov iz prakse, čemur bomo sledili tudi v tem prispevku.
Pupil Assessment Should Benefit Further Learning and Teaching. Why Carry out Formative Assessment at the Primary Level and What for?
This paper presents formative assessment as a process intended to gain information about pupils’ learning – information which the teacher can use in the further learning and teaching of each pupil, thus satisfying the needs and interests of each individual – through planned assessment for the purpose of ensuring better comprehension and learning progress of each pupil. The purpose of this paper is to help readers to understand the essence and added value of teaching that follows the principles of formative assessment, or the potential of formative assessment. It begins by presenting formative assessment as an integral approach to learning and teaching, and continues by presenting individual strategies and elements through theoretical and practical examples with illustrations. In the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 school years the main topic of academic meetings of the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia was formative assessment. Of course this does not mean that teachers have not encountered formative assessment before – it has been present in the Slovenian school setting for well over a decade and certain teachers are successfully integrating it into their teaching practice. Content-wise, these meetings were focused on sensitising teachers to this area, on getting to know the elements and strategies of formative assessment, and on presenting examples from practice, which is exactly what this paper is going to discuss.