Razvita grafomotorična spretnost je glede na zahteve naše osnovne šole v prvih razredih ena pomembnejših sposobnosti oz. spretnosti za razvoj pisanja. Zadnje leto pred vstopom v šolo oziroma začetek šolanja je tisti čas, ki ga je treba čim bolj izkoristiti, da bi težave na grafomotoričnem področju zmanjšali, če že ne odpravili. V današnjem, digitalnem svetu je treba razvoju grafomotorike posvetiti še toliko več pozornosti. Uporaba računalnika in mobilnih naprav razvija specifično finomotoriko, ki je potrebna za uspešno uporabo naprav. Razvoj vseh motoričnih spretnosti pa podpira tudi grafomotorični razvoj posameznika. Pri delu z učenci se opaža, da je iz leta v leto pri vedno več učencih pisava bolj okorna, nepravilna in neestetska. Zato članek govori o zmeraj aktualni temi – razvoju grafomotoričnih spretnosti. Raziskava je bila sicer opravljena že nekaj let nazaj, a kljub časovnemu zamiku lahko trdimo, da so ugotovitve raziskave aktualne tudi dandanes.
Developing Graphomotor Skills by Means of Didactic Tiles
Judging from the requirements of our primary school for the first grades, developed graphomotor skills are one of the more important abilities or skills for developing writing skills. The final year before school entry or the beginning of schooling needs to be exploited maximally in order to reduce, if not eliminate problems in the area of graphomotor skills. In today’s digital world the development of graphomotor skills requires that much more attention. The use of computers and mobile devices develops specific fine motor skills, which are needed to successfully use these devices. The development of all motor skills is supported by an individual’s development of graphomotor skills. In working with pupils, it has been observed year after year that the number of pupils with clumsy, incorrect and unaesthetic handwriting is increasing. That is why this article discusses the ever-topical issue – the development of graphomotor skills. The research was conducted a few years ago, but despite the time interval, it can be maintained that the research findings are still topical today.