Še danes se nam pogosto dogaja, da pojem pismenost omejimo zgolj na zmožnost branja, pisanja in računanja. V nacionalni raziskavi pismenosti (International Adult Literacy Survey, 1998) preberemo: »Pismenost pomeni sposobnost razumevanja in uporabe informacij iz različnih pisnih virov za delovanje v vsakodnevnih dejavnostih odraslih v družini, na delovnem mestu in v okolju ter za doseganje lastnih ciljev in za razvoj lastnega znanja in potencialov.« V pouk družbe sem vključila bralno učno strategijo VŽN z namenom, da stopim korak bliže k pismenosti petošolcev na otrokom privlačen način.
KWL Reading Strategy in the Subject of Social Studies in the 5th Grade
It still often happens today that we limit the notion of literacy to the mere ability to read, write and calculate. The International Adult Literacy Survey (1998) has the following to say: “Literacy is the ability to understand and use information from various written sources in order to perform everyday adult activities in families, at the workplace and in society, and to achieve one’s goals and develop one’s own knowledge and potential.” I have incorporated the KWL reading strategy in social studies lessons in order to take a step further towards the literacy of fifth-graders in a manner that children find appealing.