Pomen glasnega branja odraslih otrokom na začetku opismenjevanja

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Prispevek govori o glasnem branju odraslih otrokom, ki je ena od najpomembnejših dejavnosti v predšolskem obdobju, ki napovedujejo uspeh pri formalnem učenju branja in pospešujejo govorni razvoj, ter o pomembni vlogi staršev, ki s svojim pozitivnim odnosom do branja in pozitivnimi prepričanji o branju ustvarjajo bralca za vse življenje. Starši, ki želijo otroka navdušiti za branje, morajo poskrbeti za njegovo dobro počutje med branjem, ki naj bi prispevalo k temu, da bo branje ostalo v spominu kot nekaj prijetnega in si bo otrok želel ponavljanja. Skupno branje zgodb je za predšolskega otroka in mlajšega šolarja prijetno zaradi vsebine, toplega ozračja, telesne bližine staršev, ob tem se ustvarja občutek varnosti in večje povezanosti. Ob skupnem branju v obdobju porajajoče se pismenosti otrok pridobiva znanje o značilnostih besedila, razumevanje vloge tiska, nauči se smeri branja in pisanja, razume izraze črka, beseda, začetek besed, prvi glas, ve, da je besedilo sestavljeno iz posameznih besed, beseda iz črk, spozna, da je knjiga sestavljena iz platnic in knjižnega bloka, kaj so listi in kaj strani.


Importance of Adults Reading to Children Aloud when Developing Early Literacy

The paper discusses the act of adults reading to children aloud, which is one of the most important activities in the preschool period that lead to success in the formal learning of reading and speed up the development of speech; and the important role of parents who are creating a reader for life through their positive attitude towards reading and their positive opinions about reading. Parents who wish to make their child enthusiastic about reading have to make sure that he/she feels good while being read to, since that is believed to make the child remember reading as a pleasant activity that he/she will want to experience again. Preschool children and younger schoolchildren find reading stories together pleasant because of the contents, the warm atmosphere and the physical closeness of their parents, which make them feel safer and more bonded. When reading together in the period of emergent literacy, the child gains knowledge about the characteristics of text; comes to understand the role of print, and the reading and writing direction; understands expressions such as letter, word, beginning of words, first sound; knows that the text is made up of individual words, and words of letters, etc.; discovers that a book is made up of the binding and of the book block, and the difference between sheets and pages.