Za raziskovanje tem, namenjenih prenašanju ljudskega izročila v osnovni šoli, sem se odločila zato, ker kot profesorica razrednega pouka opažam, da otroci poznajo vse manj ljudskih iger, pesmi in plesov. Tudi rajalnih iger, ki smo jih včasih otroci tako radi plesali in peli, današnji otroci ne poznajo več. Na seminarjih in izobraževanjih na temo ljudskega izročila sem spoznala, da tudi mlajše učiteljice ne poznajo več starih ljudskih iger, plesov in pesmi. Potemtakem lahko pričakujemo, da bo stanje na tem področju iz leta v leto le še slabše. Učni načrt prinaša cilje, znotraj katerih imamo veliko priložnosti, da izvajamo vsebine in teme s področja ljudskega izročila. Pri tem pa je potrebno le to, da učitelji ljudsko izročilo dobro poznamo. Ljudske igre, pesmi in plesi spodbujajo otroke k ustvarjalnosti, domiselnosti in iznajdljivosti in je zato nujno, da prenašamo to znanje na naše mlajše rodove. S tem pa se bo ohranil tudi del naše kulturne dediščine. Tako sem sama vsebine s področja ljudskega izročila medpredmetno povezala ter na ta način želela poglobiti znanje učencev ter jih motivirati za delo.
Folk Tradition at the Primary Level of Primary School
I have decided to research the topics that are intended for passing on the folk tradition in primary school, because as a class teacher I have noticed that children are less and less familiar with folk games, songs and dances. Even circle games, which children used to love to sing and dance to, have been lost to the children of today. At seminars and training programmes on the topic of folk tradition I have discovered that even younger teachers are no longer familiar with old folk games, dances and songs. It can be expected that the situation will only worsen year after year. The curriculum contains objectives which give us plenty of opportunities to implement contents and topics relating to folk tradition. All it takes is for us, the teachers, to be well acquainted with folk tradition. Folk games, songs and dances encourage children to be creative, imaginative and resourceful; it is therefore necessary to pass that knowledge on to our younger generations. By doing so, we will preserve a portion of our own cultural heritage. Hence, I have integrated folk tradition contents cross-curricularly, trying to deepen students’ knowledge and motivate them to work.