V prispevku na kratko osvetlimo potrebo in pomen naravoslovne pismenosti ter vzpodbujanja in razvijanja le-te. Predstavimo mejnike v razvoju opredeljevanja naravoslovne pismenosti v izobraževalnem prostoru. Odgovarjamo na vprašanje, katere so značilnosti in komponente naravoslovne pismenosti (NP), opredeljene v nacionalnem projektu NA-MA POTI ter v mednarodni raziskavi OECD PISA od leta 2000 do danes. Predstavimo NP, opredeljeno z gradniki in opisniki NP v projektu NA-MA POTI, ki poudarja pomen naravoslovnega znanja, razvijanja naravoslovnih/raziskovalnih veščin, kritičnega mišljenja ter odnosa do naravoslovja, pomembnih za posameznico/-ka in družbo v 21. stoletju.
National and International Promotion of Science Literacy
This paper briefly discusses the necessity of promoting and improving science literacy. It outlines the milestones in developing the definition of science literacy in education. We investigate the characteristics and components of science literacy (SL) as defined in the national NA-MA POTI project and the OECD PISA international survey from 2000 to the present. We present the NP defined by the building blocks and descriptors of NP in the NA-MA POTI project, which emphasises the importance of scientific knowledge, the development of science/research skills, critical thinking and attitudes towards science relevant for the individual and society in the 21st century.