Likovno podobo javne medijske in plakatnokomunikacijske akcije Beremo skupaj, s katero Nacionalni mesec skupnega branja vsako leto podpre Društvo Bralna značka Slovenije – ZPMS, sofinancirana pa je s strani JAK RS v okviru programskega razpisa na področju bralne kulture, so jeseni 2022 soustvarjali študenti in študentke Oddelka za oblikovanje vizualnih komunikacij (smeri: fotografija, grafično oblikovanje in ilustracija) Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje. Članek predstavlja omenjeni študijski projekt, proces in rezultate.
Study Project ‘Reading Together’ at UL ALUO
The visual image of the public media and poster communication campaign Reading Together, with which Slovenian Reading Badge Society – Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth annually supports the National Month of Reading Together, and which is co-financed by the Slovenian Book Agency within the framework of the programme call for proposals in the field of reading culture, was co-created in autumn 2022 by the students at the Department of Visual Communication Design (in the areas of photography, graphic design and illustration), the Academy of Fine Arts and Design. The article presents the study project, the process and the results.