V okviru sodelovanja v projektu SKUM smo spoznavanje umetnosti otrokom približali z različnih vidikov ter hkrati omogočili dojemanje in sodelovanje z umetniki in kulturnimi institucijami. Skozi umetniško izkušnjo smo jih na izkustven, neposreden ter igriv način spodbujali k sproščenemu izražanju lastnega počutja in zaupanja vase. Prek pravljice in neposrednega vključevanja umetnika v vzgojni proces smo povezovali različna umetniška in druga kurikularna področja, ki so pomembno vplivala na otroško domišljijo in likovno izražanje. Pridobili smo zelo pomembna spoznanja slojevitega slikanja, spoznali različne kulturne institucije in otrokom z lastnim likovnim izrazom pomagali stopiti iz družbeno sprejemljivih okvirjev.
Artistic Experience Through Fairy Tale Big-Eyes the Little Owl
In the framework of our participation in the SKUM project, we introduced children to art from different perspectives while simultaneously facilitating their perception of and engagement with artists and cultural institutions. Through this experience, we encouraged them to express their well-being and confidence in an experiential, direct and playful way. With the help of the fairy tale and the artist’s direct involvement in the educational process, we linked different artistic and other curricular areas that significantly impacted children’s imagination and creative expression. We gained illuminating insights into layered painting, introduced children to various cultural institutions and helped them to step outside the socially acceptable frameworks with their artistic expression.