Vloga delovnih zahtev pri delovni zavzetosti učiteljev

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Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako so delovne zahteve učiteljev povezane z delovno zavzetostjo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 154 osnovnošolskih učiteljev (128 žensk in 26 moških) iz osmih slovenskih osnovnih šol. Povprečna starost učitelja je bila 43,00 leta (SD = 9,85), njihova delovna doba je v povprečju znašala 18,05 leta (SD = 11,46). Udeleženci so izpolnili lestvico učiteljeve delovne zavzetosti (Klassen, Yerdelen in Durksen 2013) in vprašalnik o delovnih zahtevah. Rezultati so pokazali, da so ženske v odnosu do učencev bolj socialno zavzete. S socialno zavzetostjo v odnosu do učencev je pozitivno povezana učiteljeva starost. Obstajajo pa tudi razlike v učiteljevem občutku delovne zavzetosti glede na stopnjo poučevanja in opravljanje razredniškega dela. Učiteljeva delovna zavzetost je negativno povezana s številom otrok, ki jih na teden poučuje. Raziskava daje učiteljem in ravnateljem šol pomembne podatke o dejavnikih, ki bi jih bilo treba upoštevati, če hočemo povečati samoučinkovitost, delovno zavzetost učiteljev ter s tem kakovost poučevanja.


The Role ofWork Demands in Teachers’Work Engagement

The aim of the study was to determine how teachers’ work demands are related to their work engagement. The survey involved 154 elementary teachers (128 women and 26 men) from eight Slovenian elementary schools. The average teacher age was 43.00 years (σ = 9.85), and the length of their service 18.05 years on average (σ = 11.46). The participants completed the Teacher’s Work Engagement Scale (Klassen et al. 2013) and filled in the Work Demands Questionnaire. The results have shown that it is women who are more socially engaged in their relation to students. The teachers’ ages are positively correlated with social engagement in their relation to students. There are, however, also marked differences in the teachers’ sense of work commitment depending on the class level they teach and their obligations as class teachers. Teachers’ work engagement is negatively correlated with the number of students they teach in a week. This study provides school teachers and heads with important information on the aspects that should be taken into account in order to increase the self-efficacy, work engagement of teachers and thereby the quality of teaching.