Interesne dejavnosti in obvezne izbirne vsebine so sestavni del predmetnikov izobraževalnih programov gimnazij ter srednjega poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja. Vsebujejo obvezni del in dejavnosti, ki jih dijaki lahko prosto izberejo sami. V srednjih strokovnih programih je v času šolanja interesnim dejavnostim namenjenih 352 ur, v gimnazijah 300, v srednjih poklicnih programih 160, v programih poklicno-tehniškega izobraževanja in nižjega poklicnega izobraževanja pa 96. Prispevek na primeru treh srednjih šol opredeljuje vlogo interesnih dejavnosti in obveznih izbirnih vsebin z vidika promocije šole ter kaj te pomenijo za dijake, starše in učitelje. Za šole, sodelujoče v raziskavi, smo prikazali posnetek stanja z navedenimi dejavnostmi, ki jih izvajajo šole. Ker nas je zanimalo, kako te dejavnosti vplivajo na predstavitev šole, smo anketirali dijake in opravili intervjuje z učitelji in starši. Raziskava je pokazala, da so interesne dejavnosti in obvezne izbirne vsebine pomemben del izobraževalnega programa, ki dijakom omogoča, da razvijajo veščine in spretnosti ter se dodatno neformalno izobražujejo, obenem pa šoli ponuja možnost, da izvaja tudi tiste dejavnosti in vsebine, za katere meni, da pripomorejo k promociji za vpis bodočih dijakov.
Extracurricular and Compulsory Elective Activities As School Promotion and a Challenge for Students and Teachers
Extracurricular and compulsory elective activities are an integral part of upper secondary general (gimnazija), vocational and technical education programmes. They comprise the compulsory part and the activities that can be chosen freely by students themselves. There are 352 hours devoted to extracurricular activities in upper secondary technical programmes, 300 hours in upper secondary general programmes, 160 in upper secondary vocational programmes, and 96 hours in vocational-technical education and short vocational education programmes. This article discusses three upper secondary schools as examples to determine the role of extracurricular and compulsory elective activities in school promotion, and establish what these activities mean to students, parents and teachers. For participating schools, we have created an overview of activities carried out by these schools. Since we were interested in how these activities influenced the presentation of schools, a survey was conducted among the students and interviews were carried out with teachers and parents. The study has shown that extracurricular and compulsory elective activities represent an important part of educational programmes, which enables students to develop various skills and abilities and gain additional informal education, while at the same time providing the schools with an opportunity to carry out those activities and modules that they consider beneficial for the promotion attracting the enrolment of future students.