V prispevku bomo izpostavili sodoben (postmoderen) koncept predšolske vzgoje, koncept Reggio Emilia, ter – v povezavi s strokovno literaturo – njegove cilje, izhodišča in posebnosti. Koncept veliko pozornosti namenja tako imenovani učenci se organizaciji, zato bomo spregovorili o tem, kako se je treba povezovati, sodelovati znotraj zavoda, s strokovnimi delavci, ki koncept poznajo, in tistimi, ki ga ne, ter s praktikanti in starši. Predstavili bomo dobro prakso pri izvajanju koncepta Reggio Emilia v povezavi z različnimi oblikami sodelovanja z deležniki vzgojno-izobraževalnega zavoda, kar pripomore h krepitvi učeče se skupnosti, in opozorili na to, kako je mogoče z izvajanjem elementov koncepta Reggio Emilia obogatiti, nadgraditi vzgojno-izobraževalno delo in s sodelovanjem, povezovanjem okrepiti učečo se skupnost.
Reggio Emilia Approach (for Improvement, Enhancement, Interaction, . . .) and the Learning Community
This article focuses on a very contemporary (postmodern) concept of early childhood education, the Reggio Emilia approach, and – with reference to literature review – its goals, fundamental principles and special characteristics. As this approach aims a lot of its attention at the notion of a learning organisation, the paper will examine how to interact and collaborate within educational institutions with the educators who are familiar with the concept as well as those who are not, with interns and parents. The article will discuss good practice in implementing the Reggio Emilia approach in relation to the different forms of cooperation with the stakeholders of educational institutions, which contributes to the strengthening of the learning community, and point out how the implementation of Reggio Emilia approach may help us enrich and improve teaching and educational work, as well as enhance the learning community through dialogue and working together.