Rezultati raziskav s področij organizacijskega razvoja in vodenja izobraževalnih ustanov potrjujejo, da ima distribuirani pristop k vodenju vzgojno-izobraževalnih institucij velik potencial za transformacijo šolskih kolektivov v učečo se skupnost in da je zato lahko učinkovita podpora pri implementaciji kurikularne prenove. V prispevku bomo predstavili ključne značilnosti distribuiranega pristopa k vodenju, pri čemer bomo opozorili na nevarnost poenostavljenega razumevanja tega koncepta. Osredotočili se bomo tako na ravnateljevo vlogo, ki se zaradi razporejene odgovornosti spremeni, vendar nikakor ne postane manj pomembna, kot na vlogo vodstvenega tima, od katerega je odvisno, kako bodo učitelji sprejeli nov način vodenja. Izpostavili bomo ravnateljeve osebnostne značilnosti in naravnanost ter odnos, ki so v pomoč pri implementaciji distribuiranega vodenja v smislu organizacijske zmožnosti in ki korelirajo s transformacijo kolektiva v učečo se skupnost. Prikazali bomo primer dobre prakse vzpostavljanja šolskih timov, ki so v podporo distribuiranemu vodenju in razvoju kolektiva v učečo se skupnost. Opozorili bomo na potrebo po sistematičnem pristopu k uvajanju distribuiranega modela v prakso ter na prepreke, na katere je treba računati v procesu implementacije.
Distributed Leadership: Support in Building a Learning Community
Research results in the fields of organisational development and leadership in educational institutions confirm a great potential of the distributed leadership approach in educational institutions for a collective transformation of school staff into a learning community and that it can therefore offer an effective support for the implementation of a curricular reform. The following paper will explain the key characteristics of the distributed approach to leadership, warning of the danger a simplified understanding of this concept brings. The focus will be on the principal’s role, which changes due to the dispersal of responsibilities, but certainly does not lose its importance, and on the role of the leadership team, on which teachers’ acceptance of this new kind of leadership depends. The article will highlight those personality traits, inclinations and attitudes in a head teacher that are useful for the implementation of distributed leadership in terms of organisational capability and that correlate with the collective transformation of staff into a learning community. An example of good practice in creating the kind of school teams that support distributed leadership and a collective staff development into a learning community will be shown. The need for a systematic approach to implementing the distributed leadership model in practice will also be stressed, along with the obstacles to be taken into account in the implementation process.