Fizični ali grajeni učni prostor je eden izmed elementov učnega okolja, ki ima pomemben vpliv na delo učiteljev in učencev, pa tudi na njihovo počutje, zdravje, motivacijo in učne rezultate. Ker imamo v razredih različne skupine učencev z raznolikimi potrebami in pričakovanji, mora biti, glede na inkluzivno pedagoško paradigmo, tudi fizično ali grajeno učno okolje prilagojeno raznolikim potrebam in pričakovanjem uporabnikov. Pri tem izpostavljamo nekaj načel za oblikovanje inkluzivnega fizičnega prostora matične učilnice, in to so: spodbujanje neodvisnosti in samostojnosti, raznolikost in stimulativnost, veččutnost, interesna prepletenost, fleksibilnost, interaktivnost, personalizacija, predvidljivost, varnost ter trajnostna in ekološka naravnanost. Predstavljamo tudi nekatere predloge za oblikovanje učilnice, prilagojene za določene skupine učencev, npr. za gibalno ovirane, za učence okvaro vida, za gluhe in naglušne, za učence z motnjami pozornosti in hiperaktivnostjo, za učence z motnjami avtističnega spektra ter za učence iz drugih jezikovnih in kulturnih okolij.
Transforming the Physical Classroom into an Inclusive Learning Space
The physical or built learning space is one of the elements of learning environment that has a significant influence on the work of teachers and students, as well as their well-being, health, motivation and learning outcomes. As classrooms bring together different groups of students with a variety of needs and expectations, it is necessary that, following the inclusivity paradigm in teaching, the physical or built learning environment be adapted to various user needs and expectations. In regard to this, the article points out several principles for creating an inclusive physical space out of the primary classroom, which include: promoting independence and autonomy, diversity and stimulation, multisensory experience, the interweaving of interests, flexibility, interactivity, personalisation, predictability, safety, sustainability and ecological orientation. Certain suggestions are also presented for constructing a classroom suited to different student groups, e.g. for the physically impaired, students with visual impairment, the deaf or hard-of-hearing, students with attention disorders or hyperactivity, the students of autism spectrum disorders, and those from other linguistic or cultural backgrounds.