A Curriculum for Career Development of Educational Staff

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A curriculum is an intellectual output 2 (IO2) of the project. The curriculum consists of 5 modules that cover 21 basic career competences, supporting individuals in their career management. The aims, topics and expected outcomes are described for each module and, at the end of the document, recommendations for trainers are listed. The curriculum could be useful for all of those in the educational field who want to purposely develop their career competences. It specifically addresses headteachers as leaders who are partly responsible for the career development of educational staff members.


Kurikul za karierni razvoj strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju

Kurikul ima obliko Intelektualnih spoznanj 2 (IS2) projekta. Sestavlja ga pet modulov, ki zajemajo 21 osnovnih kariernih kompetenc, ki so v oporo posameznikom pri lastnem upravljanju kariere. Za vsak modul so opisani nameni, teme in pričakovani izidi, na koncu dokumenta pa so navedena še priporočila za vodje usposabljanj. Kurikul bi lahko bil koristen za vse na izobraževalnem področju, ki želijo namensko razvijati svoje karierne kompetence. Posebej se nanaša na ravnatelje kot vodje, soodgovorne za razvoj kariere strokovnih delavcev.
