Vrtec Pobrežje Maribor in družina – partnerja pri vzgoji predšolskih otrok

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Cilj vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa je spodbuditi in razvijati celostni razvoj predšolskega otroka. Zato je partnerski odnos med starši in strokovnimi delavci izrednega pomena, saj skupni pristop k reševanju morebitnih težav oblikuje otrokovo osebnost, gradi njegovo samopodobo in zagotavlja vsestranski razvoj. V vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu je otrok dejaven udeleženec. Zato je aktivno sodelovanje med vzgojiteljem in starši nujno, saj se družinska vzgoja in vzgoja v vrtcu prepletata in vplivata na otrokov razvoj. Poudarek je na usklajenih vzgojnih ciljih, zato je velikokrat na obeh straneh treba sprejemati kompromise. Dobro partnerstvo temelji na vzajemnem spoštovanju in zaupanju. Izvedli sva raziskavo, katere namen je bil ugotoviti, kako pomembno se zdi staršem sodelovanje z vzgojitelji ter katere oblike sodelovanja so zanje pomembne. Podatke sva pridobili s pomočjo vprašalnikov, ki sva jih razdelili med starše otrok. Vrtec Pobrežje Maribor načrtuje in izvaja različne oblike sodelovanja. Na podlagi raziskave ugotavljava, da formalne oblike sodelovanja staršem omogočajo predvsem pravico biti obveščen, ne omogočajo pa razvoja medsebojnega zaupanja. Sodelovanje med vrtcem in starši je izredno pomembno. Tega se zavedamo vsi. Vzgojitelji in starši smo prepričani, da sta za dobro sodelovanje in komunikacijo potrebna zaupanje in pozitivna naravnanost.


Family and Kindergarten as Partners in Pre-School Education

The goal of the educational process and upbringing is to promote and further comprehensive development in pre-school children. This is why a partnership between their parents and teaching staff is of the utmost importance, as it is this joined approach to solving potential problems that shapes a child’s personality, builds children’s self-perception and ensures their comprehensive development. Each child is an active participant of the educational process. This is why active cooperation between the educator and parents is absolutely necessary, as both family upbringing and kindergarten education interweave and influence the child’s development. The emphasis is placed on coordinated educational goals, in relation to which it is often necessary to accept compromises on both sides. A good partnership is based on mutual respect and trust. Our study was carried out with the aim of finding out just how important the collaboration between educators and parents is, as seen from the parents’ perspective, and which types of collaboration are deemed important by parents. The data was gathered with the help of questionnaires that were distributed among children’s parents. Pobrežje Maribor Kindergarten plans and implements various forms of collaboration. Drawing on this study we have observed that, while these formal forms of parent collaboration assure the parents’ right to being informed, they are not conducive to the development of mutual trust. A collaboration between kindergartens and parents is extremely important. This is something we are all aware of. Both, the educators and parents, are convinced that, in order to maintain good collaboration and communication, trust and positive attitude are needed.