Učitelj vsak dan ustvarja pogoje in možnosti za pridobivanje znanja in pomaga učencem na njihovi učni poti. Cilj je ponuditi sodelovalno, aktivno in spodbudno učno okolje, kjer je učeči se sam ustvarjalec lastnega znanja. Namen članka je prikazati obravnavo učne vsebine ob upoštevanju vseh načel formativnosti, s podajanjem povratnih informacij, zbiranjem dokazov o napredku, samovrednotenjem in medvrstniškim vrednotenjem ter zaključnim ocenjevanjem. Predstavili bomo konkreten primer načrtovanja in izvedbe matematične vsebine v 1. razredu. Ob orisu odzivnosti učencev, upoštevanju stališča vodstva šole in staršev, torej vseh vpletenih v učni proces, bomo predstavili naše doživljanje opisanega načina dela. Gre za pogled treh učiteljic z več zornih kotov (dejstva – izvajanje, pozitivni oziroma negativni vidik izbranega načina dela, naši občutki, nove priložnosti); v obeh razredih, prvem in petem, smo se z omenjenim načinom dela srečali prvič.
Hand in Hand to One’s Own Knowledge
Every day, teachers create conditions and possibilities for gaining knowledge and helping students on their way to learning. The goal is to offer a collaborative, active and supportive learning environment where learners themselves create their own knowledge. The aim of this article is to show how a learning content can be handled while adhering to all the formative principles, by providing feedback, collecting evidence of progress, self-assessment, peer evaluation and final assessment. A concrete example of content planning and implementation for first year mathematics will be described. Drawing on student responsiveness, bearing in mind the viewpoints of school leadership and parents, i. e. of everyone involved in the learning process, our own experience with the described way of working will be recounted. It is a perspective of three teachers from different angles (facts – execution, positive and negative sides of the chosen approach to work, our feelings, new opportunities); at both educational stages, Years 1 and 5, this was our first encounter with the abovementioned way of working.