Spremljava pesmi v 2. razredu

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Pri pouku glasbene umetnosti se učenci med drugim srečajo tudi z Orffovimi glasbili. Učenci so radi
dejavni, njihovi prsti kar kličejo po raziskovanju in preizkušanju tako znanih kot tudi neznanih stvari. Ob
tem aktivirajo razne čute, opazujejo, tipajo, poslušajo, se glasbeno izražajo, sproščajo, igrajo, učijo, uživajo
… Z vajo na Orffovih glasbilih so postali »orkester« 2. b razreda. Učenci so spremljali otroške pesmi
na nekaterih Orffovih glasbilih in ustvarili spremljavo ljudske pesmi Izidor ovčice pasel na glasbenih


Accompaniment in Grade 2

In music lessons, students learn about Orff‘s instruments, among other things. They enjoy being active because their fingers yearn to explore and try out different as well as familiar things. They observe, touch, listen, and express themselves musically using their senses. They unwind, play, have fun, and learn. By practising on Orff‘s instruments, the students became the „orchestra“ of class 2. b. They accompanied children‘s songs on some Orrf‘s instruments and created the pan flute accompaniment to the folk song Isidore Sheep Shepherd.