Poslanstvo šol je zagotoviti otrokom in mladim znanje ter spretnosti, ki jih potrebujejo za odraslo življenje v družbi. Šole oziroma bolje rečeno učitelji močno vplivajo na to, kaj ljudje vedo oz. česa ne vedo, so dejavnik, ki najpomembnejše vpliva na kakovost izobraževanja. Zato je zavedanje o pomenu kakovostnega poučevanja za učitelje še toliko bolj obvezujoče in hkrati lahko tudi obremenjujoče. Nujno je, da izobraževanje presega zgolj učiteljevo poučevanje vsebin ter vključuje tudi učenje in vadbo kritičnega mišljenja ter spodbujanje kritičnega duha učencev kot nujni eksistencialni sestavini posameznikov in družbe. Pomembno je, da učitelji razmišljajo o svojem poučevanju, da z vprašanji ne preverjajo le tega, kaj učenci vedo, temveč tudi, kaj in kako razmišljajo, da z načinom dela pri pouku vzbujajo pri učencih zanimanje in radovednost, ki sprožata nadaljnja vprašanja. Filozofija za otroke (FzO) je model skupnosti, v kateri se ob vprašanjih učencev vzpostavljajo in razvijajo njihovi premisleki in filozofska diskusija.
Why and How Schools Should Influence Students’ Thinking and Critical Spirit
The mission of schools is to provide children and young people with the knowledge and skills they need for adult life in society. Schools, or rather teachers, have a major influence on what people know or do not know and are the most important factor influencing the quality of education. Teachers’ awareness of the importance of quality teaching is therefore even more crucial and potentially burdensome. It is imperative that education goes beyond the mere teaching of content by the teacher to include the learning and practice of critical thinking and to foster a critical spirit among students as an essential existential component of individuals and society. It is vital for teachers to reflect on their teaching and to use questions not only to verify what students know, but also to determine what and how they think. Moreover, teachers should utilise the way they work in the classroom to spark students’ interest and curiosity, thus leading to further questions. Philosophy for Children is a model of community in which reflective and philosophical discussion is established and developed alongside students’ questions.