Plezanje je vedno bolj popularna dejavnost med odraslimi in otroki. Danes ima večina osnovnih šol v telovadnici tudi umetno plezalno steno. V članku je predstavljen nabor iger za učence začetnike, ki se prvič srečujejo s plezanjem, pa tudi za bolj izkušene. Igre približajo otroku plezanje na zabaven način, namenjene pa so izvajanju pod nadzorom učitelja oz. učiteljice razredne stopnje ali športa.
Climbing as Play in Primary School Sport
Climbing is an increasingly popular activity among both children and adults. Today, most primary schools have an artificial climbing wall in the gym. The article presents a set of games for students encountering climbing for the first time and the more experienced ones. The games introduce children to climbing in a fun way and should be played only under the class or sports teacher‘s supervision.