Je za dobre bralne dosežke pomembna le notranja motivacija?

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Avtorica se v članku osredotoča in skuša raziskati motivacijske elemente bralne pismenosti. Zanima jo predvsem vloga zunanje in notranje motivacije pri branju ter bralnih dosežkih. Predstavljeni so izsledki nekaterih raziskav motivacije v povezavi z bralnimi dosežki. Ugotavlja, da je pri bralnih dosežkih pomembna povezanost obeh vrst motivacije – zunanje in notranje. Do notranje motiviranosti pogosto učenci pridejo preko zunanjih vzpodbud. Tu igrajo pomembno vlogo učitelji, ki na različne načine podpirajo optimalno delovanje in motivacijo učencev: učence poučujejo na kognitivni ravni in tudi motivacijsko, tako da spodbujajo oblikovanje vrednot učenja; pri poučevanju skušajo zadovoljevati psihološke potrebe učencev po kompetentnosti, avtonomiji in povezanosti z drugimi; učencem dajejo povratne informacije, s katerimi hkrati vplivajo na kognitivne vidike učenja in na motivacijske vidike učenja; učencem nudijo učno in čustveno podporo; poučujejo z navdušenjem, entuziazmom. Poleg šole vplivajo na otrokov odnos do branja tudi starši in kultura družbe nasploh.


Is Intrinsic Motivation the Vital Factor for Effective Reading Comprehension?

This article explores and focuses on the motivational elements of reading literacy, especially the effects of students’ extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on reading and reading achievement. The author summarizes core findings of several studies on motivation, its relationship to reading achievement, and underlines the importance of the relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation for reading achievement. Intrinsic motivation in students is often driven by external rewards. Teachers play an important role in enhancing students’ optimal performance and strengthening their motivation in a variety of ways: they help students grow their cognitive skill level as well as generate their motivation through value-based education; they try to meet students’ psychological needs, namely competence, autonomy and relatedness; they provide feedback and thus affect students’ cognitive ability and learning motivation; they offer learning and emotional support to students; last but not least, they teach with passion and enthusiasm. At the same time, the influence of parents and the wider society on children’s attitude to reading cannot be overlooked.