Družbenokulturni pojavi tako pri nas kot tudi v tujini izpostavljajo vprašanja kurikula, ciljev izobraževanja in načinov poučevanja inštrumenta/petja. Področja problematike ob hitrosti in raznovrstnosti družbenih sprememb nimajo prave sistemske opore, z implementacijo novitet in s prilagoditvami obstoječih programov pa se v prepišnih učilnicah 21. stoletja tako z vsebinskim kot s strukturnim posodabljanjem individualnega pouka vsakodnevno spopadajo učitelji inštrumenta/petja. Z vključevanjem neformalnih pristopov (Green, 2002) in modela potencialnih učnih izidov v sodobnem glasbenoizobraževalnem sistemu (Hargreaves in sod., 2003) bi lahko pod skupnim imenovalcem konceptov sebstva izboljšali ravnovesje med glasbo v šoli in zunaj nje.
Instrument/Singing Teacher at Intersection of Sociocultural and Academic Educational Vision
Sociocultural phenomena in Slovenia and abroad raise concerns about the curriculum, educational goals, and methods of teaching an instrument or singing. Given the pace and diversity of social change, the problem areas lack a concrete systemic underpinning. On the other hand, the implementation of innovations and adjustment to the existing programmes is a daily challenge for instrument/singing teachers in overcrowded 21st-century classrooms, both in terms of content and structural modernisation of one-to-one teaching. A combination of informal approaches (Green, 2002) and a model of the potential learning outcomes of contemporary music education (Hargreaves et al., 2003) centred on self-concepts can improve the balance between music in and out of school.