Namen naše raziskave je bil zapolniti vrzel v preučevanju zanosa pri slovenskih učiteljih glasbe. Zanos je stanje popolne zatopljenosti, notranje motivacije in zadovoljstva, ki nas preveva ob izvajanju neke dejavnosti. Ker je to področje v slovenskem okolju pri učiteljih glasbe še neraziskano, smo izbrali kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja. Izvedli smo polstrukturiran intervju z osmimi učitelji glasbe (dva moška, šest žensk), ki poučujejo glasbo na različnih delovnih mestih. Zanimalo nas je, pod kakšnimi pogoji učitelji glasbe vstopajo v stanje zanosa, kako pogosto se jim to dogaja in kateri dejavniki vplivajo na njihov zanos. Pri analizi smo uporabili metodo utemeljitvene teorije (angl. grounded theory). Identificirali smo tri temeljne teme doživljanja zanosa pri učiteljih glasbe: okoliščine doživljanja zanosa, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na doživljanje zanosa, ter odnos med učiteljevim zanosom in zanosom učencev.
Effect of Music Intervention on Children with Severe or Profound Intellectual Disabilities
This paper presents findings on the effectiveness of specific musical activities in the development of
social skills in children with intellectual disabilities. The use of music promotes the holistic development of children with intellectual disabilities, including their social skills, which do not develop naturally and must be learned gradually. As part of our master‘s thesis at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana, we conducted fifteen meetings in a special needs institution in order to integrate musical activities in the development of social skills in children with intellectual disabilities. Our goal was to develop specific social skills through musical activities in a group of children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities included in a special education programme. At the same time, we wanted to raise the level of musical expression and the expression of pleasant emotions through musical activities.