Prispevek kratko predstavlja ključne spremembe v zahodnem delu Rimskega cesarstva v poznoantičnem obdobju, torej med drugo polovico 3. in koncem 6. stoletja. Po krizi druge polovice 3. stoletja je v prvi polovici 4. stoletja imperij doživel kratko obdobje razcveta. Konec 4. stoletja so se ob drugih težavah velikega cesarstva začeli obsežni premiki ljudstev, ki so spremenili politično podobo Sredozemlja in njegovega zaledja. V drugem delu prispevka je izpostavljeno dogajanje na današnjem slovenskem prostoru v tem obdobju s poudarkom na izsledkih arheoloških raziskav. Območje današnje Slovenije je močno zaznamovala lega na križišču pomembnih poti in posledično opustitev nižinske poselitve po sredini 5. stoletja. Orisana je poselitvena podoba prostora in način življenja v novih višinskih naselbinah.
Between the fall of Rome and the beginning of the middle ages – late antiquity in Slovenia
The article briefly presents the key changes that occurred in the western part of the Roman Empire in the late antique period, i.e., between the second half of the 3rd century and the end of the 6th century. Following the crisis in the second half of the 3rd century, the empire underwent a brief period of prosperity in the first half of the 4th century. At the end of the 4th century, when the large empire was already experiencing other problems, large-scale migrations began, altering the political situation in the Mediterranean and its hinterland. The second part of the article highlights events from that period that took place in the present-day Slovenian territory, focusing on the findings of archaeological research. The area of present-day Slovenia was greatly influenced by its location at the crossroads of major routes and consequently by the abandonment of lowland settlement after the mid-5th century. The article outlines the settlement situation in the area and the way of life in the new hilltop settlements.