Prispevek opisuje gostovanje učencev podružnične šole na matični šoli. Po prireditvi ob kulturnem prazniku sta bili med čakanjem na avtobus nazaj v podružnično šolo izpeljani dve uri KIZ-a. V tem času so učenci s podružnične šole spoznali zakonitosti postavitve gradiva v šolski knjižnici, kar je v majhni knjižnici podružnične šole težko. Uri KIZ-a sta potekali hkrati za vseh pet razredov, v katerih je skupaj 32 učencev. Kot uvod v delo je bila izbrana slikanica Se v gozdu bojiš, veliki volk? (De Kinder, 2018), ker je primerna za različno stare učence in omogoča prehod na ločevanje strokovne literature od leposlovja. Po zgodbi so učenci spoznali razliko med strokovnim gradivom in leposlovjem, zatem so se sami urili v ločevanju teh dveh skupin gradiva. V skupinah so spoznali postavitev v šolski knjižnici matične šole in najprimernejše gradivo za svojo starost. Ob koncu ure so si izbrali knjigo po lastni izbiri in si jo izposodili.
In the Library at the Main School
The article describes pupils from the branch school visiting the main school. After the event held on the cultural holiday, we carried out two library information skills lessons while pupils were waiting for the bus to take them back to the branch school. During that time, the pupils learnt about the layout of materials in the school library, which would be difficult to do in the small library of the branch school. The library information skills lessons were held simultaneously for all five grades, i.e., for a total of 32 pupils. For the introduction, we chose the picture book Are You Afraid in the Forest, Big Wolf? (De Kinder, 2018)1 because it is suitable for pupils of different ages and it enables them to begin distinguishing professional literature from fiction. After listening to the story, pupils learnt the difference between professional literature and fiction; afterwards, they practised telling these two types of literature apart. Working in groups, they learnt about the layout in the school library of the main school and which materials were age-appropriate. At the end of the lesson, each pupil picked a book of their choice and borrowed it.