Preverjanje domačega branja ni nikoli enostavno, učitelji se trudimo, da bi tudi to preverjanje naredili zanimivo in dali učencem priložnost, da res pokažejo svoje znanje in se hkrati tudi urijo v drugih spretnostih. V projektu OBJEM je bil svojevrsten izziv, kako vključiti vse zahtevane elemente, in veliko časa ter razmisleka je bilo potrebnega pri samem načrtovanju. Pri izvedbi pa je bil učitelj nato (le še) moderator in usmerjevalec, učenci pa so imeli vsak svojo vlogo in so bili aktivni. Ob koncu dejavnosti vsi dokazi o učenju pričajo, da so bili zastavljeni cilji izpolnjeni in nameni učenja doseženi. Ob tej dejavnosti so se učenci urili še v skupinskem delu in spremljanju lastnega napredka. Pred samim preverjanjem morajo učenci besedila za domače branje prebrati in najdejo jih v šolski knjižnici. V začetku je tako priložnost, da ponovijo, kje v knjižnici so knjige, ki jih morajo prebrati, in obenem ponovijo tudi pravila izposoje oz. knjižnični red.
Presentations of Home Reading Can Be Interesting
Checking home reading assignments is never simple; we, teachers, do our best to make it interesting and to give students the opportunity to truly demonstrate their knowledge, while honing other skills. Under the “(ARLEM) HUG” project we faced a special challenge of having to include all the required elements; the planning process thus took a lot of time and thought. However, during implementation, the teacher was (merely) a facilitator and guide, while each student was given an active role. At the end of the activity, the evidence of learning showed that the set goals were met and the learning intentions achieved. During the activity, the students also practised group work and monitoring their own progress. Before checking home reading, the students have to read the texts, which they can find in the school library. This gives them the opportunity to refresh their memory on where the books they have to read are located in the library, also brushing up on the loan policy or the library rules.