V Osnovni šoli Kidričevo smo želeli ugotoviti zadovoljstvo in potrebe nadarjenih učencev, njihovih staršev in strokovnih delavcev na področju spodbujanja in razvoja nadarjenih. V članku predstavljamo trenutno dejansko stanje na tem področju in na podlagi evalvacije razmislek o nadaljnjem načrtovanju načel dela in spodbudah v skladu s konceptom odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi. Pridobljeni podatki nam bodo služili kot izhodišče za načrtovanje dela v bodoče in za obogatitev programa.
Gifted Education at Kidričevo Primary School
We at Kidričevo Primary School aimed to determine the satisfaction and needs of gifted pupils, of their parents, and of the professional staff as regards the encouragement and development provided to the gifted. The article presents the current situation in this area and, based on an evaluation, contemplates the further planning of work principles and incentives in accordance with the concept of gifted identification and education. The data obtained will serve as a starting point for planning future work and for enriching the programme.