Dobrobit učencev in učenk v Sloveniji – izsledki iz mednarodnih raziskav PIRLS, TIMSS in PISA

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Dobrobit učencev in učenk je dejavnik vzgojno-izobraževalnega procesa in hkrati del njegovih rezultatov. Dosedanje objave rezultatov raziskav PIRLS, TIMSS in PISA se praviloma osredinjajo na posamezne vidike dobrobiti učencev in učenk, ki so podrejeni vprašanju mednarodnih primerjav predmetnospecifičnih znanj in spretnosti, preverjanih v posamezni raziskavi. To lahko zamegli pogled na »gozd« in namesto tega usmerja pogled v »posamezna drevesa«. V prispevku predstavljamo celostnejši pristop k analizi dobrobiti učencev in učenk skozi pregledni okvir kazalnikov dobrobiti ter enotni analizi podatkov več raziskav, kar omogoča hkratno predstavitev stanja po več kazalnikih in za več starostnih skupin. S tem smo želeli usmeriti pozornost na »gozd« in manj na »posamezna drevesa«.

Občutek pripadnosti šoli, zaznava zavzetosti in opore učitelja pri pouku, veselje do učenja matematike in naravnanost k obvladanju učne snovi so »drevesa«, pri katerih slovenski učenci in učenke v primerjavi z vrstniki v evropskih državah izražajo še posebej negativna stališča. V tem smislu rezultati pričujoče analize potrjujejo nekatere že znane ugotovitve iz predhodnih objav rezultatov raziskav PIRLS, TIMSS in PISA. Pričujoča analiza »gozda« pa je pokazala, da slovenski učenci in učenke v primerjavi s svojimi vrstniki v relevantno primerljivih evropskih državah izkazujejo negativnejša stališča pri tistih dveh od treh preučevanih vidikov dobrobiti, ki sta neposredno povezana z izobraževalnim procesom in prostorom. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da je treba vprašanju dobrobiti učencev in učenk v strokovnih razpravah in izobraževalnih politikah nameniti (še) večjo pozornost in da je pri obravnavi tega kompleksnega vprašanja treba postopati čim celostneje.


The Well-Being of Students in Slovenia – Findings from the PIRLS, TIMSS and PISA International Surveys

The well-being of students is a factor in the educational process and, at the same time, a part of its results. The results of the PIRLS, TIMSS and PISA surveys published to date generally focus on individual aspects of the well-being of students, which are subordinate to the question of international comparisons of the subject-specific knowledge and skills that are tested by an individual survey. This can obscure the view of the “forest” and instead direct our gaze towards “individual trees”. The article presents a more holistic approach to analysing the well-being of students through a transparent framework of well-being indicators and a uniform analysis of data from multiple surveys, which enables us to present the situation by multiple indicators and for multiple age groups. That way, we wanted to draw attention to the “forest” and not so much to “individual trees”.

The sense of belonging to the school, the perception of the teacher’s commitment and support in class, the joy of learning mathematics, and the desire to master the learning content are those “trees” of which Slovenian students have particularly negative opinions, compared to their peers from other European countries. In this regard, the results of the present analysis have confirmed some of the findings from the previously published results of the PIRLS, TIMSS and PISA surveys. However, the present analysis of the “forest” has shown that Slovenian students, compared to their peers in comparable European countries, express more negative opinions in the two (out of three) aspects of well-being that are directly related to the educational process and space. We can therefore conclude that the question of the well-being of students should be devoted (even) greater attention in expert discussions and educational policies, and that we should adopt a holistic approach to addressing this complex issue.