Računalniška tomografija v učilnici

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Medicinsko slikanje je danes nepogrešljiv pripomoček sodobne medicine za odkrivanje in zdravljenje bolezni. Pomembna slikovna tehnika je računalniška tomografija (CT), ki omogoča vpogled v notranjost telesa in je lani praznovala 50 let. V prispevku predstavimo aktivnost, ki bo dijakom s proučevanjem razširjanja žarkov svetlobe po prostoru pomagala razumeti osnovne fizikalne zakonitosti CT-slikanja. Aktivnost je mogoče izvesti s preprosto opremo, ki je na razpolago v vsaki učilnici fizike.


Computed Tomography in the Classroom

Today, medical imaging is an indispensable part of modern medicine, both for the detection and treatment of diseases. An important imaging technique is computed tomography (CT), which is used to obtain internal images of the body. Year 2021 marked the 50th anniversary of the first CT scan. This paper introduces an activity that will help students understand the basic physical principles of CT imaging by studying the propagation of light rays through space. The activity can be carried out with simple equipment, available in any physics classroom.