Učitelji fizike vedno razmišljamo, kako učencem približati pouk in kako poučevati, da bi učenci kar največ pridobili. Prispevek opisuje primer medpredmetnega povezovanja šolske knjižnice in fizike v 8. razredu osnovne šole. Delo je potekalo sodelovalno v parih/trojkah. Vsak par si je sam izbral temo, pridobil ustrezno gradivo in narisal strip. Končni izdelki so bili razstavljeni v šolski avli in obiskovalci so jih ocenili zelo pozitivno. Čedalje pomembnejše je, da učenci delajo aktivno in samostojno ter da sta učitelj in knjižničar le mentorja pri usmerjanju do končnega rezultata. Seveda se samostojnost gradi postopoma že od prvega razreda.
Universe in Comics
Physics teachers always consider how to make the classroom more accessible to students and how to teach for maximum student benefit. This paper provides an example of cross-curricular integration of the school library and physics in Grade 8 of primary school. The students worked in pairs or groups of three. Each pair/group chose their topic, gathered relevant information, and created a comic strip. Their products were exhibited in the school lobby and received favourable feedback. It is becoming increasingly important that students work actively and independently, with the teacher and librarian serving only as guides to the result. Indeed, students‘ independence should be encouraged and achieved gradually throughout schooling.