Bioakustika je veda, ki preučuje zvoke, ki jih proizvajajo živa bitja. V zadnjem času nam pri tem vedno bolj lahko pomagajo računalniški algoritmi. V prispevku predstavimo nekaj akustičnih študij čmrljev. Ti pomembni opraševalci, s katerimi smo se gotovo že srečali na cvetočem travniku, lahko proizvajajo različne tipe zvokov, najbolj znano je seveda brenčanje med letom. Preučevali smo frekvenčno strukturo zvokov, z metodami strojnega učenja smo razvili klasifikacijski algoritem, ki prepozna, za katero vrsto in tip čmrlja gre, ter razvili enostaven algoritem za štetje prihodov in odhodov čmrljev iz panja.
How to Listen to Bumblebees?
Bioacoustics is the science concerned with the production of sound by living organisms. Computer algorithms have become a crucial element in the analysis. This paper presents several recent acoustic studies of bumblebees. These essential pollinators, whom everyone must have already encountered in a flowering meadow, produce different sounds, of which the flight buzzing sound is the most immediately recognisable. We studied the frequency structure of diverse types of sounds, developed a machine-learning classification algorithm to predict bumblebee species and types, and developed a simple algorithm to track bumblebee arrivals and departures from the hive.