Splošna matura iz fizike 2022

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V prispevku je podana analiza mature iz fizike leta 2022. Ključni statistični podatki o kandidatih, nalogah in uspehu so navedeni primerjalno glede na predhodna leta. Izpostavljen je rahlo boljši rezultat glede na prejšnja leta, ki je posledica nekoliko lažjih nalog v prvi izpitni poli. Predstavljene so najbolj izstopajoče naloge s komentarji uspeha, zbrane so značilne napake in težave kandidatov pri reševanju izpita. Opisan je postopek ocenjevanja, ki je letos že tretjič potekal elektronsko.


General Matura in Physics 2022

This paper provides an overview of the 2022 general matura physics exam. It presents the statistics on candidates, tasks, and achievements compared to the previous years. There has been a slight improvement over the preceding years, owing to slightly easier tasks in the first half of the exam. The author presents the most outstanding exam tasks with comments on students‘ performance and their most common errors. The difficulties encountered by candidates while attempting to solve the tasks are summarised. Specific reference is made to the marking procedure, carried out electronically for the third time.