Gimnazija Tolmin zaradi svoje edinstvene lege v slikovitem Posočju nosi odgovornost, da svoje dijake ne le izobražuje, temveč tudi vzgaja v luči omilitve neizbežnih sprememb, ki smo jim priča zaradi nepremišljenih ravnanj v preteklosti in danes. Nehote je skrb za prihodnost naložena na njihova pleča in prav je, da jih skušamo opolnomočiti za spoprijemanje z nepredvidljivimi izzivi, s katerimi se bodo morali spoprijeti, med katere gotovo spadajo podnebne spremembe.
Tolmin Grammar School: Confluence of Young Minds and Current Challenges
The Tolmin Grammar School, due to its unique location in the picturesque Posočje region, not only provides education but also teaches students how to mitigate the inevitable consequences of past and present reckless actions. Unwittingly, the students bear the weight of the future on their shoulders, and we must empower them so that they can confront the unpredictable challenges, such as climate change, that will inevitably arise.