V članku povzamemo bistvene značilnosti treh aktualnih raziskovalnih teorij iz preučevanja pedagoških praks učiteljev matematike. To so Teorija didaktičnih situacij (TDS), Učenje matematike v realnem kontekstu (RME) in Lesson Study (LS). Predstavljene teorije obravnavamo s teoretičnega vidika, pri čemer smo vse tri preizkusili tudi v praksi v okviru dveh mednarodnih projektov – MERIA in TIME. Splošen opis vsebin v tem članku je namenjen seznanjanju učiteljev z metodologijo in izrazoslovjem, povezanim s teorijami TDS, RME in LS. Po uvodnem delu v drugem razdelku članka opišemo glavne značilnosti teorije TDS, v tretjem razdelku pa se osredotočimo na teorijo RME. Četrti razdelek je namenjen predstavitvi teorije LS.
Inquiry in Mathematics for All – Lessons for Teachers and Students
This article summarises the essential features of three contemporary research theories derived from studying mathematics teachers‘ pedagogical practices, namely, the Theory of Didactical Situations (TDS), Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) and Lesson Study (LS). These theories, discussed here from a theoretical perspective, have been tested in practice in the context of two international projects – MERIA and TIME. The article aims to familiarise teachers with the methodology and terminology associated with the TDS, RME and LS. In what follows, we examine the main elements of the TDS (section two) and RME (sections three) and provide an overview of LS (section four).