Miha Lovšin
Implementation of the Concepts of European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia
https://doi.org/10.59132/vviz/2017/2/67-82 Abstract This article brings an overview of activities that are based on the work of European Lifelong Guidance Policy…
The Work of European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network
https://doi.org/10.59132/vviz/2017/2/53-66 Abstract This article outlines the activities of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN), which was active from 2007…
Vodenje kariere ravnateljev
https://doi.org/10.59132/vviz/2017/3/7-35 Povzetek Pričujoči članek predstavlja temeljno teoretsko izhodišče za opolnomočenje ravnateljev za vodenje kariere v okviru storitev vseživljenjske karierne orientacije….